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Happy Earth Day from us at RAINE Clothing!

Happy Earth Day from us at RAINE Clothing!

It’s one of our favourite days, today – Earth Day 2022 is upon us! If you’ve read our story, or our companies that care day promise, you’ll likely know a little bit about why RAINE Clothing was founded, and why we are so passionate about producing sustainable, eco-friendly, and ethically sourced clothing – so it’s probably no wonder that we’re such big fans of Earth Day! 

Today, we’ll be sharing a little bit more about what Earth Day actually is, this year’s theme, and how you can get involved – so do stick around if you’re keen to learn more!  

What is Earth Day?

Simply put, Earth Day is a day entirely dedicated to demonstrating support for environmental protection, offering all of us a chance to focus on the planet and its needs. With a different focus every year, it gives us all a great opportunity to think about ways in which we can try to help the environment and reduce our carbon footprints, as well as the things which are currently proving harmful to the earth.
The Earth Day campaign itself, run by the Earth Day Network and NASA, refers to teaching us all about the best ways to help save our planet as ‘Climate Literacy’, and it’s a term we love – so, without further ado, let’s all do some learning! 

What is this years’ Earth Day theme for 2022?

For 2022, this year’s Earth Day theme is ‘invest in our planet’. What does this mean? Simply that we, collectively – as humans, as companies, as corporations and as collectives – have to start making changes that will positively impact our planet in the future. Investing our time, money, and effort into ensuring that the Earth has a chance to heal is the best possible course of action when it comes to reversing – or, at least, halting – the current climate crisis.
This year’s Earth Day theme, then, asks us to act boldly, innovate broadly, and implement equitably, as a planet, so that we are all accountable for making positive changes. 

Why is Earth Day so important?

As we mentioned briefly above, Earth Day is the one day of the year where the health and wellbeing of the planet is brought to the forefront of public consciousness, and it’s for this reason that it’s such an important time to highlight the impact of both climate change and unethical or unsustainable practices.

Scientists say that we as a planet would need to cut 45% of emissions by 2030 in order to significantly reduce the damage already caused by emissions and pollution, which means we have about 8 remaining years to exact change!

That’s why Earth Day is such a pivotal time of year – we do still have time to solve the current climate crisis, but it’s important that we all do the best we can to exact change soon! Get involved where you can, and let’s see what we can do to help our planet!

How can I get involved in Earth Day this year?

If you’re able to, making a donation to the Earth Day Network itself is a great way to ensure you’re doing your part – but, of course, there are lots of other ways you can make a difference to your own sustainability and eco-friendly credentials, by making small changes that will alter your carbon footprint. If you’re looking for some inspiration to start making more eco-friendly changes to your life, we have a blog post on sustainable changes that you can make right now that should help you get started!

We hope that you’ve enjoyed our post for Earth Day 2022, and that you’ve learned a little more about why the day is so important, as well as how you can get involved in the day going forward! 

As always, if you have any questions, or if there’s anything you’d like to see us write about in future, please do let us know in the comments below!

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