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Level up your Wellbeing and Stay Sustainable this Spring

The days are longer, brighter, and warmer – you know what that means! Spring has officially sprung. With more sunlight to enjoy, and some gorgeous weather to make the most of, there’s never been a better time to think about your health and wellbeing, and try to find new ways to level up your wellbeing!

It can be really easy, especially in the colder months, to deprioritise self-care, so we’re going to share some of our favourite suggestions to help you make your wellbeing a priority again, this spring!

1. Get moving!

It doesn’t matter how you do it – going for a little walk on your lunch break, dancing to your favourite song for 10 minutes, or hitting the gym – as long as you get your body moving, you’re likely to get a hit of those feel-good endorphins that’ll make your day feel a little brighter!

Just remember: you don’t have to push yourself in order to see some of the benefits from being a little more active, even low-impact movements can be beneficial. Bonus points if you find a feel-good playlist to enjoy whilst you’re moving!

2. Practice kindness 

Doing good can make you feel good! Whether you decide to take on a random act of kindness for someone else, or decide to be a little kinder to the planet by upping your recycling game, you’re bound to feel a little burst of joy from knowing you’ve done something to help someone – or something – else! 

If you’re looking for some ideas of how you can be a little kinder to your environment, check out our tips on living a more sustainable and eco-friendly life!

3. Make time for me time 

Easier said than done, we know, but taking time out for yourself is something you should definitely be prioritising when you’re working on your wellbeing. Whether you book a 30 minute break on your work calendar, or schedule a monthly ‘night off’ for yourself so you can spend time doing less chores and more of what you enjoy, prioritising your self-care is something you’re unlikely to ever regret! Not sure what to do? Why not try out a hobby you’ve always wanted to give a go, or learn a new skill for no reason other than because it seems interesting? 

4. Get some light!

In the darker months, it can be all-too-easy to find yourself feeling glum, unmotivated, or just plain bored, and the lack of light is a huge factor in why we all tend to feel this way in the winter. Getting UV and blue light exposure (in reasonable doses, of course!) can have a huge impact on both our mood, and our body’s circadian rhythm, which means that not only can getting some sunlight regularly be great for our mood, it may also promote better sleep and energy levels, too! 

Of course, do keep in mind that you should be wearing a good SPF at all times, especially in the warmer months, and practice sun safety at all times – including wearing sunglasses or prescription lenses if necessary! Sun doesn’t have to feel hot to be potentially harmful, so definitely err on the side of caution, if in doubt – for both the little ones, and yourself!

Grow something 

You might be surprised to know that there are tonnes of studies on how beneficial gardening can be for mental health – whether you’re growing something in a plant box or pot, or have a whole garden to tend to, there are lots of ways in which tending for plants can make a huge improvement on your wellbeing – plus, it’s great for the environment, too, so it’s a sustainable, eco-friendly activity, too! What more could you ask for?

We hope you’ve enjoyed our little round-up of some of the ways you can level up your wellbeing this spring – do let us know if you try any of our tips, or if you’ve got any great ones of your own!

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